Adel interprets at the MENA Mining Expo 2016

Red Sea’s Adel interprets at the MENA Mining Expo 2016 – the congress took place on October 25.

Adel in the interpreter's booth - MENA Mining Show 2016

Adel in the interpreter’s booth – MENA Mining Expo 2016

The Expo is the largest annual mining show in the Middle East North Africa region and has been running for 9 years. The event has become a marketplace for the latest mining equipment, technology, and services. The event typically brings together government authorities, mining companies, investors, and key solution providers to promote investment, optimize mining operations, and build relationships in the region’s trillion-dollar mining industry.

Adel interprets at the MENA Mining Expo 2016

Adel Alhaimi interprets at the Mining Show 2016

The Mining Show was organized by the Terrapinn Media company, who are already preparing for the 2017 expo:

Some of the show’s global sponsors are featured below:

Some of the internationally renown sponsors of the Mining Show

Some of the international sponsors of the Mining Show

Although Adel is extremely humble and modest about his interpreting skills, few can contest his natural flair for interpreting at high profile conferences as he enjoys the challenge of working under pressure.

Simultaneous interpreting calls for quick thinking and perfect recall of translation terms, among its many other demands such as confidence and a wide knowledge base.

Adel takes a break while another highly competent colleague fills in

Adel takes a break while another highly competent colleague fills in

Simultaneous Interpreters are scarce and Adel continues to develop and perfect his skills in this challenging and rewarding career.